Farm to Fashion – The Importance of Fair Trade

Farm to Fashion – The Importance of Fair Trade
As human beings, many share similar paths in life: we graduate high school, go to college, land our dream job, get married, and have children. For the most part, these milestones are achievable, depending on where you live in the world and your circumstances. Throughout our life journey, we accumulate things. However, many of us don’t think about where our possessions come from and who, along the manufacturing chain, is involved in the process. From our garments to the food we eat and the coffee or tea we drink, everything we own comes from a multifaceted web of hard workers.

Apparel Sourcing and Production in a New World

Apparel Sourcing and Production in a New World
Message Exhaustion Television news reports, social media streams, radio stations, and more inundate us with messages and warnings about COVID-19 and remind us about its ever-changing impact on our lives. While this unrelenting news stream can leave us feeling exhausted with little energy to consume more on the topic, the truth is that we are still experiencing the effects of the pandemic and will for some time. For the apparel sourcing and production industry, we must have an ongoing dialogue about how to keep businesses alive as well as how to plan and support the health of the entire industry

Managing the Shifting Landscape in Fashion & Production

Managing the Shifting Landscape in Fashion & Production
As the effects of COVID-19 ripple throughout every industry imaginable, it can be hard to keep up with the compounding effects and the way clothing trends are shifting. The way we do things is changing, and the way we dress is no exception. People are staying in more, dressing for comfort, and some are living pajamas for days. Others are dressing business casual from only the waist up (showcasing the “mullet” of COVID fashion) for an effortless transition from work to personal in this heyday of Zoom. With clothing industry giants like J.Crew and Neiman Marcus filing Chapter 11, it’s

Fashion Industry: Evolution Not Revolution

Fashion Industry: Evolution Not Revolution
Throughout my career in the apparel industry, I have been designing and developing fashion lines for clients. Guiding my advice on direction and decisions has been a straightforward phrase: fashion is evolution, not revolution. Today, this phrase rings more accurate than ever, crystalizing the core foundations of success for the fashion industry in our push to a post-COVID world. Lectures, white papers, and webinars from fashion industry sages have presented numerous views on the imminent changes in the apparel and retail landscape. Some businesses have embraced the transition following the path of evolution. In contrast, others have ignored the advice,

There Is No Place Like Home | The effects of COVID-19

There Is No Place Like Home | The effects of COVID-19
A Global Perspective Working for a global apparel company based in St. Louis, MO, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are felt locally in our city, nationally across the United States, and around the world. Being British, I remain connected with family and friends in the UK who share similar fears and concerns, which brings us closer together at this time. People from all different circumstances, geographies, socio-economic factors, ethnicities, and religions are all united in this viral battle. A Grateful Perspective The world is at home right now. Whether you are one who has lost their employment or one

How to Protect Your Apparel Business in Volatile Times

How to Protect Your Apparel Business in Volatile Times
It’s clear today that we are living in unprecedented times. For many in apparel industry sourcing roles, it is hard to find time and clarity to understand the ever-changing landscape. Over the last few years, businesses in the apparel industry have had to contend with tariffs, rising labor costs, decreasing retails, higher quality expectations, sustainability … the list goes on. As a result, the apparel industry and economy feel unstable, especially during the effects of a pandemic that threatens beloved family, friends, and colleagues worldwide. The Impact on Your Business Does Not Have to be Permanent When faced with the

Graphene – Apparel tech is here, and it is incredible.

Graphene – Apparel tech is here, and it is incredible.
Last week I talked about the magical properties of spider silk and some surprising production techniques (Click here if you missed it!). Today I want to discuss a material I believe is truly representative of future textile technology. Graphene. What is Graphene? Graphene is, simply put, the thinnest form of graphite, the same kind you find in everyday pencils. Doesn’t sound too special, huh? I think I can convince you otherwise. Because of its unique structure and composition, graphene possesses an unbelievable set of materialistic properties. Graphene sheets are practically two-dimensional, being only a SINGLE ATOM in thickness. For context,

Spider Goats and Outer-space, New Futuristic Textiles

Spider Goats and Outer-space, New Futuristic Textiles
Textile research is changing the future, and you didn’t even know it Self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, civilian trips to Mars…the current technological landscape is exciting, and the future is full of potential. Amid all these high-profile technologies however, there have been massive advancements and research in areas that sometimes fly under the radar; areas that have enormous implications for the future of our daily lives. One of the most exciting and impactful of these is the area of textile materials and fibers research. How will textile materials research change the way we live? Humans have utilized textiles since the first

Clothing Manufacturers: Taking on the Risk

Clothing Manufacturers: Taking on the Risk
When teaming up with an apparel manufacturer to develop your clothing designs, or to help you build an apparel line, you gain much more than simple product development. These experts shoulder a great deal of responsibility to bring your ideas to life in an ethical manner while following legal and financial guidelines. Without their supporting hand, your clothing line can fall apart before it even begins. When planning a manufacturing budget, it is important to keep in mind the risks that the manufacturer faces and how those risks can affect your brand. A trusted and professional firm will undoubtedly cost

Clothing Manufacturers : Responsibilities

Clothing Manufacturers : Responsibilities
Designer’s responsibilities vs. Manufacturer’s responsibilities Building an iconic clothing line relies on epic apparel, timing, a little luck, and a solid relationship with an expert in the manufacturing process. When you begin discussions with a potential manufacturing partner, it’s important to lay out your expectations and reasonable to expect a clothing supplier to do the same. Show them you care as much as they do. Tell Your Story When clothing manufacturers sit down with designers, they can often tell how serious the designer is from the beginning. To show your commitment and to stand out, it is imperative to introduce