The Power of Uniforms | From a Apparel Manufacturer Perspective

Blue, grey and black blazers on a clothing rack.

Look Good. Feel Good. Perform Exceptionally.


Is productivity down? Don’t underestimate the impact uniforms have on your brand’s reputation and your employee’s potential.


If you’re a company with a large workforce that wears uniforms, building strong customer relationships and improving brand recognition are key initiatives. To successfully accomplish this, it is crucial that employees appear professional and approachable to earn the trust of clients. A uniform can be a walking, breathing billboard to showcase your company’s brand and values. Whether your company is just starting out, or you’re simply ready to freshen up your image – consider creating uniforms with cutting-edge technology to take your branding message to the next level.

An uncomfortable employee is an unhappy employee. Enforcing a strict dress code has big advantages for business, but if your staff are suffering from ill-fitting, poorly constructed apparel, the results can be detrimental to your bottom line. You may be surprised to learn how big of an impact the uniforms you provide can have to your employees and their overall performance.

Top-Shelf Uniforms Boost Employee Productivity

Employees are at the top of the list when it comes to a company’s most important assets. Giving them a sense of pride in their workplace boosts morale and makes them eager to deliver their best efforts. An effective way to show your appreciation for their hard work is by offering comfortable, attractive, lifestyle-driven uniforms.

Providing well-designed uniforms to your staff will gain several benefits, impacting your employee’s happiness and your company’s growth progress. Here are a few things to consider when deciding on implementing custom-made uniforms to your workplace.

  1. Everyone is on the Same Team – It’s in your best interest to instill equal opportunity to all employees. By implementing well-designed uniforms, your staff won’t be concerned about keeping up with trends or figuring out what they’ll wear the rest of the week, and will feel comfortable and confident during the workday. Eliminating distractions is key to maintaining performance from employees. It also helps them build a form of solidarity with their co-workers, creating a bond that benefits their performance at work and your profit margins.


  1. Keeping the Eye on the Prize – There is something to be said for returning home after a long day’s work, kicking off your shoes, and putting on your loungewear. In turn, there should be the same sense of excitement, and comfortable “wearability” when donning a uniform before the start of a workday. By providing high-quality and well-fitting uniforms, your employees will dress with a sense of pride before their shift even begins. Mindsets will be focused on performing at a high level, and consumers will be met with enthusiasm and exceptional support



  1. Heavy on Professionalism – Since uniforms are an extension of your brand image, clearly visible to current and potential clients, they should showcase your company to both employees and consumers. Using high-quality materials and custom-fitting techniques does more than keep employees happy – it shows your customers that you’re serious about your staff and your brand. When your consumers are met with a neat appearance, awesome uniform and a great personality – they are eager to put their trust in your entire company.


Setting the Tone

While you may not consider yourself a designer, you likely applied substantial resources to creating a welcoming atmosphere for your business to draw customers in, right? Incorporating custom-made uniforms will help tie your existing theme together, and in turn, create an incredible aesthetic that makes guests comfortable while extending your branding message to those outside your place of business.

Custom doesn’t have to break the bank…

In fact, by taking advantage of new tech in the apparel industry, such as 3d imaging, stretch and draping simulations, and avatar sizing, many manufacturers can produce high quality uniforms that are efficient and affordable. These new technological advances take the guesswork out of apparel development by specializing in 3D simulation rather than relying on physical fabric concepts in the initial stages.

Different industries demand distinct performance when it comes to uniforms. Thanks to digital avatars, it’s possible to replicate the important movements, shapes, and postures featured in actual human bodies. It’s important to see exactly how your apparel will fit before it begins the manufacturing stage.

Digital prototypes are not only economical, they’re more efficient in streamlining the concept to client process.

Drawing the Line Between Work and Play

Recently, there has been a major shift in how powerful executives are presenting themselves during press conferences and product reveals. Suits and ties seem to have taken a back seat to: t-shirts, jeans and even a black turtleneck…

For some wildly successful CEOs, casual workwear has been well received – depending on your market segments, it may not be the best strategy for your brand.

Allowing employees to wear street clothes into work may cause bigger distractions than you think as it often prevents them from maintaining focus while on the job. Experts suggest this is because clothing has symbolic meaning for people, so the brain behaves differently while wearing professional or casual attire.

Because of this, it’s necessary to create well-designed uniforms that make it easy for employees to feel comfortable while in “work mode.” Taking the time to create custom-made apparel for specific industries, shows staff members that their company truly cares about them.  

Showcase Your Brand

After spending mega resources developing your brand and marketing strategies to get customers in the door, initially – the appearance and professionalism of your employees will keep them coming back!

These statistics reported by the consulting firm, Weintraub Associates, show you exactly why well-designed uniforms are crucial to the growing success of a business.

  • 97% of the public believes uniforms make employees easier to recognize.
  • 70% of customers feel employees in uniforms look neater and more professional.

In industries that rely on face-to-face interactions with consumers, it is imperative that representatives of your brand appear trustworthy and approachable.  Customers should be able to easily distinguish where to turn for help with the product or service they desire. Once initial contact has been engaged – your representative can do what they do best!

Properly fitting uniforms make employees boast – I’m here to help! – without saying a word.

Apparel consulting is just one facet of Stars Design Group.About Stars Design Group: Founded by industry experts, Stars Design Group global fashion design and production house that helps clients bring their apparel to market. We consult, design, and facilitate production and delivery.

Understanding that the apparel industry is about evolution and not revolution, we continue to refine the way the industry does business. Embracing the latest 3D design and development software, we help to refine the design and approval process in a digital landscape, paving the way for rapid decisions and execution of programs while reducing mistakes, improving fit, minimizing returns, and increasing profit margins.

With a network of 67 factories in 14 countries worldwide, our relationships are generations deep. Being diverse in our manufacturing locations, we are nimble in an ever-evolving landscape and provide ethically manufactured apparel and accessories.

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