Optimizing the Last Mile: How Smart Delivery Can Transform Retail Logistics

Are retail logistics stuck in the fast lane? Perhaps it’s time for a strategic detour. Clothing Coulture Podcast hosts Bret Schnitker and Emily Lane spoke with industry veteran Mike Robinson of The Eighth Notch in the episode “Transforming Retails Last Mile: Enhancing Efficiency & achieving Carbon Neutrality” to explore this very topic. With a wealth of experience in retail logistics, Robinson … Read More

Spider Goats and Outer-space, New Futuristic Textiles

Photo of a spider web

Textile research is changing the future, and you didn’t even know it Self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, civilian trips to Mars…the current technological landscape is exciting, and the future is full of potential. Amid all these high-profile technologies however, there have been massive advancements and research in areas that sometimes fly under the radar; areas that have enormous implications for the … Read More

Technology Boom in the Midwest

Photo of downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Includes the Mississippi river and the Gateway Arch.

In recent years, the Midwest has welcomed tech companies in with open arms as they leave the coasts to call inland states home. The advantages of conducting business in these previously overlooked cities are bountiful. Companies are drawn to the lower cost of operations, more affordable talent, and the convenience of a central location. While the new trend is exciting … Read More

The Power of Uniforms | From a Apparel Manufacturer Perspective

Blue, grey and black blazers on a clothing rack.

Look Good. Feel Good. Perform Exceptionally.   Is productivity down? Don’t underestimate the impact uniforms have on your brand’s reputation and your employee’s potential.   If you’re a company with a large workforce that wears uniforms, building strong customer relationships and improving brand recognition are key initiatives. To successfully accomplish this, it is crucial that employees appear professional and approachable … Read More