Fashion Without Boundaries

Women with a ponytail, sunglasses and a white hoddie with the random colors lines going across the image.

Since fashion is rooted in individualism, it provides the LGBTQIA+ community with the freedom of originality as of self-expression. The fashion industry has the ability to make people who do not conform to societal norms of gender feel accepted. From showing diversity in product offers to featuring a wide range of people in marketing campaigns, the fashion community is welcoming … Read More

Transforming A Culture Through Fashion

Lula Mena tag

There is something inherently transformative about experiencing a different culture. The sights, sounds, tastes, and interactions change us and become a source of inspiration. In February 2020, Stars Design Group CEO/President Bret Schnitker and chief strategy officer (CSO) and Emily Lane were provided that opportunity in El Salvador. As part of an 11 person U.S. delegation, Schnitker and Lane were … Read More

Apparel Sourcing and Production in a New World

Office space with colorful glass windows with the words Tired.

Message Exhaustion Television news reports, social media streams, radio stations, and more inundate us with messages and warnings about COVID-19 and remind us about its ever-changing impact on our lives. While this unrelenting news stream can leave us feeling exhausted with little energy to consume more on the topic, the truth is that we are still experiencing the effects of … Read More

How to Protect Your Apparel Business in Volatile Times

Graphic images with the words Covid 19

It’s clear today that we are living in unprecedented times. For many in apparel industry sourcing roles, it is hard to find time and clarity to understand the ever-changing landscape. Over the last few years, businesses in the apparel industry have had to contend with tariffs, rising labor costs, decreasing retails, higher quality expectations, sustainability … the list goes on. … Read More

Clothing Manufacturers: Taking on the Risk

clothing on hangers

When teaming up with an apparel manufacturer to develop your clothing designs, or to help you build an apparel line, you gain much more than simple product development. These experts shoulder a great deal of responsibility to bring your ideas to life in an ethical manner while following legal and financial guidelines. Without their supporting hand, your clothing line can … Read More