Super Fabrics for Real

Featuring Fabric Technician & Library Coordinator, Lauren Wilder from Stars Design Group’s Fabric Library.

Today it’s not enough that a garment feels right or looks good; many want and expect what we wear to do something. Young consumers are surrounded and connected to technology, and a natural extension would be the clothes they wear. The blend of fashion and technology has never been more relevant. Thankfully to service this trend, many companies are looking … Read More

Farm to Fashion – The Importance of Fair Trade

fair trade, Stars Design Group

As human beings, many share similar paths in life: we graduate high school, go to college, land our dream job, get married, and have children. For the most part, these milestones are achievable, depending on where you live in the world and your circumstances. Throughout our life journey, we accumulate things. However, many of us don’t think about where our … Read More

Apparel Sourcing and Production in a New World

Office space with colorful glass windows with the words Tired.

Message Exhaustion Television news reports, social media streams, radio stations, and more inundate us with messages and warnings about COVID-19 and remind us about its ever-changing impact on our lives. While this unrelenting news stream can leave us feeling exhausted with little energy to consume more on the topic, the truth is that we are still experiencing the effects of … Read More

Managing the Shifting Landscape in Fashion & Production

clothing trends stars design group

As the effects of COVID-19 ripple throughout every industry imaginable, it can be hard to keep up with the compounding effects and the way clothing trends are shifting. The way we do things is changing, and the way we dress is no exception. People are staying in more, dressing for comfort, and some are living pajamas for days. Others are … Read More

Fashion Industry: Evolution Not Revolution

Evolution wall art with the words fashion is evolution not revolution

Throughout my career in the apparel industry, I have been designing and developing fashion lines for clients. Guiding my advice on direction and decisions has been a straightforward phrase: fashion is evolution, not revolution. Today, this phrase rings more accurate than ever, crystalizing the core foundations of success for the fashion industry in our push to a post-COVID world. Lectures, … Read More