Apparel Sourcing and Production in a New World

Office space with colorful glass windows with the words Tired.

Message Exhaustion Television news reports, social media streams, radio stations, and more inundate us with messages and warnings about COVID-19 and remind us about its ever-changing impact on our lives. While this unrelenting news stream can leave us feeling exhausted with little energy to consume more on the topic, the truth is that we are still experiencing the effects of … Read More

Spider Goats and Outer-space, New Futuristic Textiles

Photo of a spider web

Textile research is changing the future, and you didn’t even know it Self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, civilian trips to Mars…the current technological landscape is exciting, and the future is full of potential. Amid all these high-profile technologies however, there have been massive advancements and research in areas that sometimes fly under the radar; areas that have enormous implications for the … Read More