Stars Design Group launches fashion industry podcast

Stars Design Group

Clothing Coulture Podcast hosts Bret Schnitkerand Emily Lane

St. LOUIS, Mo — Stars Design Group, a global leader in apparel design and manufacturing is  supporting the fashion industry with its new audio and video podcast Clothing Coulture. The  series focuses on innovation, quality ethical production and dynamics that impact all aspects  of apparel production.  

Stars Design Group CSO, Emily Lane, created and hosts the series with CEO, Bret Schnitker  who has more than 30 years of fashion industry experience and has conducted business in 70  countries.  

Lane says she wanted to share Schnitker’s expertise with a broader audience, “In seeing the  rapid evolution the industry is experiencing, I was compelled to create a platform to help others  navigate the real challenges the apparel sector is facing, while fostering the rise of talent.” 

Education is at the forefront of each episode, an element Schnitker says he values, “There are  so many elements of the fashion industry you can only learn by being in the business. This is  our way of sharing some of that knowledge with startups, students and even industry  professionals who may be taking on new roles due to pandemic downsizing.”  

Lane also brings her experience as a serial entrepreneur and business development expert to  the podcast which releases new episodes every other week.  

Recent topics include: 

  • Fashion Start-Ups: Building Your Brand 
  • “I Want It Yesterday” The Fast Turn Model 
  • The Influence of Politics on the Fashion Industry 
  • Vetting Factory Partners for Apparel Manufacturing 

Clothing Coulture can be found on all major streaming platforms and is listed in the top 100  fashion podcasts. The video podcast can also be found on the Stars Design Group YouTube  Channel.  


About Stars Design Group 

Stars Design Group: SDG is an industry leader in full-package apparel manufacturing  established in 1993. The company is headquartered in St. Louis, MO, and has established  offices around the globe. SDG offers cutting edge, innovative apparel technology solutions,  and brings the future to life for their clients, solidly establishing their place as a leader in  apparel manufacturing.