Transforming A Culture Through Fashion

Lula Mena tag

There is something inherently transformative about experiencing a different culture. The sights, sounds, tastes, and interactions change us and become a source of inspiration. In February 2020, Stars Design Group CEO/President Bret Schnitker and chief strategy officer (CSO) and Emily Lane were provided that opportunity in El Salvador. As part of an 11 person U.S. delegation, Schnitker and Lane were … Read More

Stars Design Group launches fashion industry podcast

Stars Design Group

Clothing Coulture Podcast hosts Bret Schnitkerand Emily Lane

St. LOUIS, Mo — Stars Design Group, a global leader in apparel design and manufacturing is  supporting the fashion industry with its new audio and video podcast Clothing Coulture. The  series focuses on innovation, quality ethical production and dynamics that impact all aspects  of apparel production.   Stars Design Group CSO, Emily Lane, created and hosts the series with CEO, Bret … Read More