Optimizing the Last Mile: How Smart Delivery Can Transform Retail Logistics

Are retail logistics stuck in the fast lane? Perhaps it’s time for a strategic detour. Clothing Coulture Podcast hosts Bret Schnitker and Emily Lane spoke with industry veteran Mike Robinson of The Eighth Notch in the episode “Transforming Retails Last Mile: Enhancing Efficiency & achieving Carbon Neutrality” to explore this very topic. With a wealth of experience in retail logistics, Robinson … Read More

Managing Margins and Meeting Expectations in Fashion Industry

Managing Margins and Meeting Expectations in Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is constantly evolving, and it is crucial for buyers to stay ahead of the curve. Managing margins while still meeting customer expectations is a delicate balancing act that is becoming even more challenging as material, labor, and shipping costs fluctuate. Missing the mark on the customer’s quality expectations, could negatively impact brand loyalty, sending them straight to … Read More