Technology and Its Influence on the Fashion Industry

18-07 octopus dress underwater

Living in a world that is being revolutionized by technology, the fashion industry is playing its part with the innovation and evolution of 3D design. This technology has transformed the way designers think about the garments they are creating, and what the apparel industry will look like in a post-covid world. (Image above from Valentin Karabanov [website, Instagram, LinkedIn]).  The … Read More

Farm to Fashion – The Importance of Fair Trade

fair trade, Stars Design Group

As human beings, many share similar paths in life: we graduate high school, go to college, land our dream job, get married, and have children. For the most part, these milestones are achievable, depending on where you live in the world and your circumstances. Throughout our life journey, we accumulate things. However, many of us don’t think about where our … Read More

There Is No Place Like Home | The effects of COVID-19

business innovation

A Global Perspective Working for a global apparel company based in St. Louis, MO, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are felt locally in our city, nationally across the United States, and around the world. Being British, I remain connected with family and friends in the UK who share similar fears and concerns, which brings us closer together at this … Read More

How to Protect Your Apparel Business in Volatile Times

Graphic images with the words Covid 19

It’s clear today that we are living in unprecedented times. For many in apparel industry sourcing roles, it is hard to find time and clarity to understand the ever-changing landscape. Over the last few years, businesses in the apparel industry have had to contend with tariffs, rising labor costs, decreasing retails, higher quality expectations, sustainability … the list goes on. … Read More

Graphene – Apparel tech is here, and it is incredible.

A graphic image that has many 6 sided shape connected with silver balls.

Last week I talked about the magical properties of spider silk and some surprising production techniques (Click here if you missed it!). Today I want to discuss a material I believe is truly representative of future textile technology. Graphene. What is Graphene? Graphene is, simply put, the thinnest form of graphite, the same kind you find in everyday pencils. Doesn’t … Read More