We seek out partners with demonstrable reputations for fair and ethical treatment of their employees and mindfulness of diverse cultures. We hold ourselves to a high ethical standard and adhere to our code at all times because we believe that how we make it is as important as what we make. That’s why in our more than 67 factories in 14 countries, where we have long histories of fair and ethical treatment of employees, we use experienced third-party inspection teams to quantify and control quality in the line during production and post-production prior to shipment.

Stars Design Group embraces Life S.A. as a vital partner in our network of factories.
Life S.A. has a unique message of hope and restoration. We are working together with the hope of one day growing multiple facilities with the capacity to employ many more workers, providing dignified jobs in areas where the unemployment
rate is so high.
Stars Design Group embraces Life S.A. as a visionary group reducing poverty and hopelessness by provided dignified work in Haiti.
An Introduction to a Special Mission
LIFE SA delivers skilled trade careers with competitive wages to struggling parents and young adults aging out of orphan care, in order to increase their quality of life in a meaningful and sustainable way.
LIFE SA production company in Haiti has the capacity to produce 2.5 million tees per year, and they are producing at an efficiency rate comparable to the best tee shirt production company in the world.
The Facts
40.6% Unemployment
$4.80 SDK per Workday Minimum Wage
($4.80 USD / Workday)
Average worker supports
7-8 Family members
Pays More Than Double Minimum Wage
Provides End of Year Bonus
(Extra Month of Pay in December)
Provides Health Care Benefits
Provides Success Sharing (See Below)
50% of the profits support education and strengthen children, families, and communities, including the worker community.
Stars Design Group – Code of Conduct
We will continue to partner with those who embrace our philosophy concerning the dignity and respect of each person and the appropriate treatment of all.
Child Labor
Use of child labor is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated in any of our facilities, whether contracted or subcontracted, or any other relationships with respect to manufacture of the garment.
Wages and Benefits
Wages and benefits must comply with applicable local and national laws.
Working Hours and Overtime
Working hours and overtime must be consistent with applicable local and national laws.
Prison, Forced, or Compulsory Labor
The use of prison, forced, or compulsory labor is strictly prohibited.
Health and Safety
We understand that we must provide a working environment that is safe. This commitment includes adequate fire exits and well-lit working conditions. If we provide residential facilities for our employees, they must be safe and sanitary.
Disciplinary Practice
We will not allow the use of mental or physical abuse, coercion, nor sexual harassment within our facilities, or partners, in the manufacture of goods.
We must observe all laws of the applicable country, including the laws that relate to employment, discrimination, safety, and health. If local or industry practices exceed the local legal requirements, the higher standard will be met.
If a violation of any of the above is discovered, an investigation into the alleged violation will be conducted. We will take all measures necessary to protect and preserve the codes listed above, including on-site inspectors to monitor and investigate the alleged violation. We understand that any violation of the above codes may result in termination of business with your company, and we monitor closely all of the above so that this situation will never occur.